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Digital Services

1. Introduction 

A few documents to understand the dynamics of the market.

Documents on Digital Finance can easily be found... but as one could be lost with so many documents available on the Internet, we crafted a small list of documents that you might find helpful.

If you can't find what you are lookig for, drop us an e-mail and we'll do our best to find what you are looking for.
Dynamics of the project

Global Digital Overview, WeAreSocial, 2020

All information by country (Internet, mobile,  social media...). Click on  page 5 to access reports by country


State of the Industry Mobile Money
GSMA. 2021

State of play of the Mobile Money industry in 2021 which depicts the current landscape and the trends of the next few years


Africa Economic Outlook 2021
AfDB 2021(french)

Details of performance and outlook in Africa following the COVID-19 pandemic

Elements to take into consideration before launching your Project

The future of financial inclusion in Africa.
IFC, 2021

Report that details the different models of digital financial inclusion. Suitable for Africa but also other continents


Mapping of Fintechs and their ecosystem in Francophone Africa.
Deloitte, 2021(french)

Global overview of FinTech in Africa that shows different innovative models that can foster financial inclusion. 


Toolbox to craft an
agent network


All the information needed to manage a digital finance project with concrete examples and illustrations

Management and optimization of digitization projects

Managing the risks of digital finance.
IFC 2017

Elements that make it possible to fully understand the potential risks in the implementation of digital solutions


How to set up a digital credit or savings service?
UNCDF - PHB 2019 (french)

All the information and step-by-step methodology to set up a digital credit and savings solution


Using data for digital financial services.
IFC 2018

Report that helps understand how data can be used to better serve customers

Other Resources

Protection of digital consumers.
AFI - 2020

Description of the various consumer protection initiatives


Insights from digital credit clients in Kenya and Tanzania
CGAP, 2018

Survey of 7,500 Digital Credit customers showing the limits and the need to support and coach the clients.


Implementation of AgriTech solutions  .
IFC, 2018

Elements that make it possible to reach farmers via new digital solutions

What is the rationale behind this section ?
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